Sunday, June 26, 2005

The next Jerad... I like it

This is just a quick post to let you all know that I'm well, still enjoying Mongolia, gathering a few more phrases everyday, and seriously considering contacting Zip-loc.

At the end of the week I'll be in the capital. I've been writing all my fun stories on my computer, so I just need to find a computer I can upload them onto. I'll also be purchasing a cell phone. I know, it sounds strange. But the cell phone industry is much more prominent here than any land lines they have. Almost everyone has a cell phone, but fewer people have land lines. It's a strange jump in technology -- but I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen and cling to the "no technology" ideals of some. I'm not that much of a hippie! I'll soon be texting other volunteers and once again checking my purse everytime I hear a familiar beep. And I'll love every minute of it. ;-)

Anyway, things are going well. Thank you all for the comments. I feel loved! And check back around Friday. I should have posts from the past week and well as the coming week.

Now I'm off to milk the cow!!


Anonymous said...

Eric and I read this together and he didn't know what a Jerad is. Okay, I didn't either. Glad Mongolia is working out for you. We're saving up to visit. Make Eric tell you about how he'll have to make the trip from Houston, Texas. Oh, and we hired a new guy as a part time copy editor. A young one. Some of us area bit happier about that than others.

Lloyd says hello. (Or as Jake would say, "Roid.")

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm a copy editor who didn't proofread my little blog reply. My bad. (I just said my bad. I rock.)

Anonymous said...


You can come back to the states and be a farmer with all of this cow milking experience. Be careful and have fun.